Do you need to create a NACHA file to send to the bank? NetSuite’s Electronic Payment module can handle that. Your bank will typically provide a requirements file. NACHA files do offer some flexibility in formatting, and it is important to check with your banking institution. Here are a few terms and concepts to know:
- “CCD” is “Cash Concentration or Disbursement” and is the standard template for B2B payments out of NetSuite.
- “PPD” is “Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entry” and is the standard template for employee payments outside of NetSuite.
- “Pad Blocks” refers to a requirement that the file be created in blocks of 10 rows. All unused rows will print “9999…”.
- “Balanced Files” refers to a requirement that the offset (settlement) account be carried in the ACH file.
- “Immediate Origin” is typically the number “1” followed by the company tax ID.
- “Trace Number” is a unique 15-digit identifier that can be used to monitor payments and communicate with the bank. (NetSuite will prepopulate a trace number in the prepared NACHA file, but to my understanding, is re-assigned by the bank so that it is unique.)
- “ODFI” is “Originating Depository Financial Institution” and is the bank initiating the transaction. If you are generating the NACHA file in NetSuite, then this is your bank.