Saved Search SQL Functions and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Application
Author: Tommy Nguyen
You have likely found saved searches to be one of the most powerful tools inNetSuite. You have likely created many in your use of NetSuite. If you havereached limitations with the ability to use standard NetSuite, consider using SQLfunctions as a way to expand the capabilities of NetSuite saved searches.
Leveraging SQL functions in saved searches is a great way to create customformulas and get the data you need quickly and effi ciently. One powerful SQLfunction to use in saved searches is the CASE WHEN statement. This functionallows you to specify diff erent conditions and assign a specifi c result for eachcondition. For example, you could use the CASE WHEN statement to create aformula that categorizes customers based on their total purchases:
- CASE WHEN {transaction.amount} > 100000 THEN ‘Platinum’ WHEN{transaction.amount} > 50000 THEN ‘Gold’ WHEN {transaction.amount} >10000 THEN ‘Silver’ ELSE ‘Bronze’ END
With this formula, you can quickly categorize your customers and gain insightsinto their purchasing behavior. The possibilities are endless with SQL in savedsearches.
By leveraging the power of SQL in saved searches, you can gain valuable insightsinto your business and make data-driven decisions. Whether you need to trackinventory levels, monitor sales trends, or analyze customer behavior, SQL canhelp you get the data you need quickly and effi ciently.
If you are not sure how to get started or need help with creating your SQLfunctions, give AI tools such as ChatGPT as a source for assistance. You can ask ChatGPT natural language queries and receive approximate, real-time answersto your questions. For example, you can use ChatGPT to help create formulasusing NetSuite SQL to show month-to-date for transactions, use ChatGPT forresearch assistance to speed up the process to help quickly identify relevantinformation and organize your research effi ciently.
ChatGPT streamlines NetSuite tasks and saves time, but its responses may notalways be 100% accurate. Verify suggestions before taking action, and avoidsharing proprietary company, customer, or vendor data. All interactions areretained by OpenAI for “training” and any sensitive information your share is atrisk of being disclosed by future ChatGPT queries.